This tea is great for the winter season, it helps the body maintain heat, prevent and recover from the common cold and flu viruses, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, as well as caffeine and stimulant free. It is said to be a 2000 year old recipe and was passed on to me from friend and teacher Lorilyn, the ingredients can be hard to find if you aren't partly hippy like myself, so if you need help with that, check the links I've provided to see where I source my herbs from, or order some from me;)
Ingredients (all organic):
cinnamon tree branches
ginger root
cinnamon tree bark
astragalus root
licorice root
white peony root
smoked black jujube dates
I mix about 5 ounces dry weight of the ingredients in equal amounts and put in boiling water, make sure the water is boiling rapidly before putting the herbs into the pot, cover tightly, turn the heat to simmer and let cook at a simmer for 2-3 hours. Make sure the lid is tight fitting to contain the medicinal vapors. When your done cooking, really depending on how much time you have, turn off heat, leave cover on, and let cool slightly for 15 minutes. Don't skip this step, it allows the oils of the herbs to settle back into the tea making it more potent. Drink, warm or cold, now or later, anyone and everyone can drink it and enjoy up to 5 cups a day to help combat any seasonal ailments.
Any questions or other ideas let me know:)
Herb spots: This place is down in Ocean Beach so you can go in and get great information and help. Super easy mail order, a little spendy but very high quality and a brand you can trust.